
CAHIIM Accreditation Training Series (CATS)

Introduction to the CAHIIM Accreditation Training Series

The CAHIIM training series is designed to meet the needs of programs by providing training at a time that is convenient to your schedule. The CAHIIM Accreditation Training Series (CATS) is designed for Health Information Management (HIM) and HeaIth Informatics (HI) degree programs and explores the areas where most questions arise in the accreditation process. Courses will change each year as changes occur in curriculum and CAHIIM accreditation criteria and policies. The library of offerings will expand with time. Be sure to suggest an area that you would like to see addressed in the future to

The series is available to any CAHIIM accredited or candidacy program at no additional charge and provides quick answers to topics where most questions arise in the initial and continuing accreditation process. All offerings are free to CAHIIM programs.


How to Register

ECHO 360 is the application software that CAHIIM uses as its online training portal. You can enroll in one or more courses. Your access to the courses is available for six months from the point of registration, if you need longer or wish to sign up for new courses please visit the online registration web site again.

Begin online Registration at:

Register for CATS

After requesting enrollment into a course(s) you will receive a registration email from ECHO 360 for each course. Complete your course registration using the link provided in the ECHO email. Registration in ECHO is quick, with only your name and email needed. Please ensure to make a note of the email you use for ECHO and the password that you create. The CAHIIM Administrator does not have access to your password.

To start a course on your PC, logon to Echo360

About ECHO360

Each module has the run time listed so you know if you only have 20 minutes, whether you can finish that module or not. CATS voice over video lectures are designed to run on PCs and mobile devices. The videos may not operate correctly on Mac computers.

The ECHO360 Mobile app

We encourage you to download the mobile app so that you can take your courses with you and easily go through the training as you have a few minutes. The mobile app is very intuitive and does not need a tutorial.



CAHIIM Town Halls
CAHIIM provides regular town halls for all accredited and candidate programs to discuss current topics. These presentations are recorded and provided to programs through the CAHIIM Accreditation Training Series (CATS). The first Town Hall Forum was in January 2019.
Using CAHIIM Forms
A series of presentations on how to use each of CAHIIM's accreditation process forms
Understanding the 2018 Standards
 Builds a solid foundation of the elements found in each of the standards. The undergraduate standards (Associate and Baccalaureate) are reviewed in this course.

Best Practice Tips for Site Visits

Presented by Nacole Everett of Edgecombe Community College. Nacole’s onsite visit was rated a near perfect score. She shares tips on how to get your program ready for an accreditation site visit.

PPE Models Explored
In this course we evaluate various Professional Practice Experience (PPE) models, and issues seen by CAHIIM Peer Reviewer teams. Successful programs are interviewed for advice on setting up the field based and simulation lab components of PPE.
Curriculum Content & Taxonomy
This course is designed to talk about the curriculum report document required to represent your program curriculum. The course will also discuss briefly meeting the appropriate Bloom's levels. 

Building Program Goals

Program goals represent an area that is complex and challenging for many programs. This course focuses on how to construct goals that are meaningful. Three programs share their experience in how to write excellent goals.

The Future of Higher Education
Join Norb Belz for a presentation on the advancement and future of higher education in the world of Health Information Management.