Denied: An application may be rejected if it does not meet the conditions for application or there are documented issues of non compliance with the Standards at anytime.
Accepted: If program is accepted into Candidacy Status, an EPC code & Self-Assessment due date is assigned and the Candidacy status fee is invoiced
CAHIIM Candidacy Status Description: An application stage while the Candidate program is allowed to complete the Self Assessment information and documentation in the online system.
An applicant program allowed into Candidacy Status is:
1. Assigned a CAHIIM Educational Program Code (EPC)
2. Assigned a Self-Assessment Due Date (1 year from date of when Candidacy Status was achieved)
3. Assigned a Candidacy Status expiration date (2 years from date of when Candidacy Status was achieved)
4. Sent Invoice for the Candidacy Status Fee
Expiration of Candidacy Status
This status will be terminated if it is found that the Requirements for Candidacy have not been maintained at any time or the maximum 2-year period has elapsed. If the program has been informed of this action, the program must reapply by submitting a new Application for Candidacy.